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ボッシュ 汎用レーダーエーミング治具(ミリ波用) SCT815 181,500円(税込)

ボッシュ レーザーモジュール レーザーユニット 217,800円(税込)

セット合計 399,300円(税込)


ボッシュ ADASエーミングソリューション SCT815


ボッシュ SCT 815 製品情報



■トヨタ/レクサス, ホンダ, マツダのミリ波レーダーセンサーのエーミングに対応

■ボッシュ SCT 815のメリット
・1台でトヨタ/レクサス, ホンダ, マツダ, KIA, ヒュンダイに対応

■ボッシュ SCT 815のセット内容

【展示品特価 送料無料】ボッシュSCT815 汎用レーザーエーミング治具

¥399,300 Regular Price
¥339,405Sale Price

    ​About sales, delivery, and follow-up

    Inquiries about automotive maintenance tools and equipment, as well as delivery and setup, will be handled by a professional automotive maintenance equipment supplier (nationwide service) affiliated with Mechadol FAN SITE.

    Please feel free to contact us for product details, price, delivery, installation, maintenance, etc.

    If the price is higher than other companies, please contact us.

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    *Products without price setting (0 yen listed)
    ) estimateis from abovePlease contact us.


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    About sales, delivery, and after-sales follow-up

    Inquiries about automotive maintenance tools and equipment, as well as delivery and installation, will be handled by a professional automotive maintenance equipment supplier (nationwide support) affiliated with Mechadol FAN SITE. Please feel free to contact us for product details, prices, delivery times, installation, maintenance, etc.

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    メカドル 女性整備士 自動車整備 整備工具 整備機器 メカニック
    I don't think women can't or aren't suited to be mechanics!
    Let's change that stereotype!

    Proceeds from the Mechadol FAN SITE will be used as funds for activities of Mechadol, which aims to increase awareness of mechanics, improve their treatment, and promote the active participation of female mechanics.

    We support enrollment in auto mechanic school, employment and career change as an auto mechanic.

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